Multiple identities
Retail Apparel and Fashion agency
ROLE: Web developer & WEB DESIGNER
The creative agency multiple identities operates in the fast-evolving intersection of fashion, design, art, culture and technology.
Following two decades of providing services to an array of leading global brands, multiple identities entered a new phase of emboldened creativity. As an independent entity, the agency has channelled an autonomous vision to capture today’s eclectic Zeitgeist to launch the first unisex blueprint of a series that defies fashion’s omnipresent stereotypes.
Multiple identities are forward thinkers who want to create experiences and change the consumers' behaviour. That’s why we have created a website designed from the ground to reflect the agency’s manifesto - playful, unapologetic, identities before gender, no rules.

A fully responsive digital store with high-quality images, videos, animations, page transitions and smooth scrolling.